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Reprise: Some favorites from film

It’s good to reflect, and even better, to remember.  So, after some reflection styled analysis I estimate that over the past 15 years I’ve taken close to 115,000 photos, with roughly 5% on film.  Funny enough, I’ve only been shooting … Continue reading Reprise: Some favorites from film

My last 5 minutes at home

The official cause of the sudden moisture puddling in the lower third of both eyes is a fresh cut onion.  Mediterranean chick pea salad is on the menu tonight and requires tedious dicing of a plethora of vegetables, one of which being, the aforementioned tear-jerker.  Off the record however, there is a different cause. The sun is bright, the weather perfect, and possibilities are limitless.  Well, almost.  A Saturday routine of mine is to clean, cook, and listen to music at a loud level.  I travel from inside to outside and take in fresh air and sunshine.  I smile as … Continue reading My last 5 minutes at home